
God bless me huh.

Finally i done my toefl test today.
Unfortunately,i can't do well in every parts :( well,especially listening.
I told you guys before,that listening part is the most hardest part to me.
But,since i thought i can catch what's the lecturer talking about after listening the audios at home a few times, I have confidence in this part.
But,what the fuck i still felt it's tough.
May be i'm not concentrate enough on listening part because  some audios take much times,approximately 2-3 minutes.
So,sigh.Really regret.I thought i can do it better.

Reading.Sigh again.I thought this is the most easiest part but what the hell i need to take at least 2-3 mins to answer a question???
The question are too hard and difficult enough to bring me to the hell.
The reading question need to think,think and think.
I really hate Toefl test time limit for each part.
For instance,the time limit for reading part is 60 min which mean 1 hour for totally 42 questions.
You may think it's enough for us to answer all the question,but i took much times on each question.
I can even done all the question and slept in the classroom when i sat for my secondary school's examination with this time limit.lol
But now i can't.Depressed and despaired.
Really,if the scores lower than i expected,i may register again for RE-TEST.
i will do MORE and ABUNDANT preparation for the next test.:(
I felt regretted now.
Hopefully the GOD OF LUCK is kind to me.May he/she brings the luck to me.lollll

Speaking.Actually i don't know what i am speaking about.lollll
But overall,i can at least answer all the questions within the time limit.
In fact,i think i looks silly and foolish when talk to the computer.lollll 
Till now,i could hardly remember what' s the content of my speaking..
Like what i mentioned above,the time limit was somehow annoyed. :X
U know that,for example,there's 6 parts in speaking and we went along all the speaking sections without break and rest.And we are in rush to answer all the questions. 
Like in some parts,the speaker asks you a question and they give you 15 secs to prepare,and 45 secs to speak.I don't think everyone's able to do useful preparation within 15 secs.
For me, i think speaking should be more freely.They should not set the time limited.I mean they can restrict the points we speak.For instance,they should ask a question and state that"Give your 3 opinions for this statement."I think this way is much better right??lollll

Writing,a lil rush but at least i can handle it easily.
But the detestable matter is when i tried to do correction on my first essay,which is integrated writing,the time limit reached.:XXXXX
what the heck???!!!arghhhhhh!!!!! i really wanna find some places or someone to vent my emotion!!!!
And my argumentative writing left ONE word to complete,but the fucking time limit spoiled the entire essay.

Okay,i know i can't just grumbled on the time limit.My own problems still exist.:(
Last minutes prepare,Over-confident,Think the test is  much more easier than i thought,what else???lolll
Sigh again.But at least i know my english standard is not as good as i expected.;((((
It's okay.If i get a chance to RE-TEST,I must try all my best and never let all this troubles happened.
Now what i can do is PRAY HARD.
Hope the GOD BLESS ME for getting a quite moderate results lolll

Ignore my chubby face lollll

Lastly,today OOTD.
BLACK-WHITE  painting leggings/long pant
metallic Rome's high-heel with square rivets

Okay that's all for today
May you all have a nice day.


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